
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

En Papillote, not Papillon

Papillon is a breed of toy spaniels and well, I'm not in Veterinarian school, I'm in COOKing school.  So, Papillote is paper and what we're going to discuss today is Fish cooked in paper.  And why am i writing about it when I'm supposed to be studying?  I am studying, what better way to study for a final than to write about it? lol

Parchement is the paper of choice here and we used trout.  Take your parchement paper and cut it into the shape of a heart. Coat the paper with butter, this will help keep the paper from burning.  Season your fish, trifold it or if you had issues skinning your fish, stack your bits of fish and put it on top of a bed of sliced mushrooms on 1/2 of the paper.  Butterfly one Shrimp, season and put it on the fish.  You may want to think about putting some garlic on your shrimp if you like garlic shrimps.  Julienne a bit of carrot and celery and that goes on top of the shrimp.  Make yourself some compound butter and put that on top of the julienne veggies.  What is compound butter?  Seasoned butter.  Seasoned with what?  Whatever you want, watch the video if you really want to make it, you can buy seasoned butter. Drizzle a bit of white wine over all of it.  Fold over the paper and start folding the paper from the rounded end of the paper, please watch the video for this because this is one of those things where you've gotta see it because if I try to explain it well, you'll never get it because I can write but I'm not a writer that way.  JK Rowlings might be able to write a whole chapter on this for you but I don't think you want to dedicate that much time to folding paper around fish.

Now that the fish is encased in the paper, put it in the oven and let it steam and it takes about 3-5 minutes in a preheated oven at 400°.  The paper puffs up like a balloon and you should check the temperature.  The internal temperature for fish is 145°f.   The sauce for the fish will be in the bottom of the package made from the wine and butter, oh so yummy, and it's a beautiful dish for as easy as it is to make.  Scroll down for picture of mine.

Please see the video for this dish to help you with the folding and unveiling of your creation.  You got a hot date and you want to dress to impress? Dress this fish... Here's your chance.  What's that old addage?  Food is the way to a mans heart...or woman. Quick and easy and leaves you with plenty of time to dress yourself.

First day of Finals today and we made Lamb stew and had the written test.  Our Sous, Food and Sanitation chefs ALL showed up for class late today.  Early is on time, On time is late and Late is unacceptable.  They were Late and Late screws people up on Mis en Place... It's Finals for heavens sakes, what kind of person is late for a cooking final?  Wait, nevermind, what if they're reading this...

That's my blip for my BFFs today.

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