
Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 3 Finals CF3B

So, I walk into the room and Alyssa says to me, "Look at what Ferrit did to us."  And on the board Chef wrote that Ferrit said to him at the end of day 2 finals "Chef, your finals are too easy."  (arrogant bastard) Anyone in thier right mind would NEVER say something like this to Chef Isaac Frerichs. NO NO NO!!! 

The room was buzzing, a lynch mob was beginning to form amoungst the classmates and a Gauntlet was being organized by an Ambassador so that we could throttle Ferrit about the face and body with our 2oz ladles.  We were supposed to have an easy 4th final day and learn how to make bagels and elephant ears but NOOOOooo, that has all come crashing down like a poorly engineered high rise.

Now, Thanks to Ferrit, we were, now, on our 3rd finals day going to have to come up and prep for a 3 course meal, 1-Chicken appetizer, 2-Vegetarian entrée, 3-Pork loin entrée.  We had 1 1/2 hours to come up with something and prep for it, then he was "allowing" us 1 1/2 hours to make All 3 courses the next day and he wants a nutrition analysis for the vegetarian dish and type up a menu.  So Mise en Place is crucial.  As I bent over and said "Thank you Chef, May I have some more" my mind was racing to come up with something that I can make and prep for. 

1.  Chicken Galantine, stuffed with goat cheese, carrots, onions, herbs and roasted bell peppers, served on a bed of micro greens, diced cucumbers and finely chopped red onions, lightly drizzled and tossed in a Balsamic vinaigrette.

2.  Purée of Cauliflower and potatoes soup served with Taro Chips.

3.  Pork Schnitzel on a bed of Basmati rice pilaf, served with roasted Asparagus.

Galantine stuffed wrapped and poached, check.  Cook cauliflower and potatoes soup, seasoned and puréed, check.  Chop up onions, herbs, carrots, and celery, check.  Butterfly and paillard (pound out) the pork loin, check.  Make Vinaigrette, check.  Gather up the rest of ingredients, check...  It's a wrap.  LET'S GET READY TO RUUUUMBBBBBBBLLLLLE!!!

So, at the end of the day Ferrit again opens his mouth during group discussion and says, "I won't apologize for anything that I've said"... MMMMHMMMM.  Chef did this sideways glance thing towards Ferrit and says...Be ready for a curve ball tomorrow.  I may switch out your trays and you'll have to make someone elses menu or I may limit you to only certain tools, I don't know yet, we'll see what I come up with tonight.  And now I want you to do a Nutritional analysis on ALL 3 dishes, not just the vegetarian dish.  (And we're moaning and groaning as silently as possible) Be ready for tomorrow, make sure your mental Mise en Place is ready."  "Thank you Chef, may I have some more." 

And in all this time I've been remaking, adjusting, analysing the Mac and Cheese and bringing it in for him to finally clear but dammit, his last assessment and adjustments made the dish come out to only 3 cups so it made the dish an extremely High cal yet very yummy dish.  And so, back to the drawing board and on Top of having to write up the menu and work out the nutrition analysis for all three courses I have to make the Mac & Cheese One more time.  Oh, did I mention that I had voluteered a few days prior to stay after school and help prep for the 21 Acres event?  Yeah, uh huh... I had a LOOOONG night ahead of me.

To be continued...

Well that's my blip for my BFFs today

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