
Monday, July 18, 2011

Jungle Party at the Zoo...7/15/2011

And so I've been busy and lazy.  Busy doing nothing and too lazy to do something.  This past Friday, 7/15/2011 I went to an event catered by Lisa Dupar Catering Company at the Zoo.  There were about 30 of us Le Cordon Bleu Students and Alumni helping out at the event.  There were 4 stations set up for the plating line.  Unfortunately I was stuck next to a couple of women that drove me absolutely nuts because they were cranking out some pretty MESSY dishes and my OCD was flaring up BIG TIME and I had to reign it in quite a few times.  The one that stood beside me all night that was passing me the dishes was very close to getting the wrath of Sol...With the squirting of the salad dressing onto the plate and drizzling it off on the sides, or scooping up the beans and placing it OFF center, or touching the food and smearing crap on the rims of the dishes...

I couldn't plate any faster than the person that was taking the plates from me and so the woman passing me the plates started double and triple filing the dishes in front of me.  I must say, I did quite well keeping Evilina in check because only once throughout the whole evening did I say to keep it clean.  There were so many "or"s to list that I think the woman across the way could tell I wasn't very happy about them and at the end of the event she walked up and stood beside me and said..."I'm so sorry you had to stand next to her all night..."

Before the evenings events started Miss Messy was telling me how she's already graduated from LCB and was, as of yet, still unemployed as her Externship site had let her go after her term was over.  And so I thought to myself, after the evening was over and I had suffered through looking at the slop she was producing, no wonder that woman can't find a job as a cook and the restaurant let her go after her externship was over...So busy working fast that the quality of work just went to shit.

So, all of the students were gone and I was the only one left at the event with the catering company.  I asked the chef if there was anything I could do to help them clean up and he set me to work on various projects.  Needless to say, I didn't have a group to walk with when it was time to walk back to the parking lot where I parked.  It was dark out but that's ok, I had my flashlight.  I came to a T in the road and Hmmm? left or right?  I think it was left, and so left I went and I kept walking and walking and my bag was getting heavier and heavier and so I took the bag and up and over my head it went so it crossed from left to right...And out of the darkness came a growl-like animal noise that startled me and then I chuckled, I am at the zoo, ar ar... and it did it again and now i'm like... Umm please don't let something be an escapee coming to eat me...Yes, my eyes were wide and I was a little bit of a chicken, well, I'm more of a tasty feast with all that fatty deliciousness for a beast to sink it's incisors into, I felt like Don Knots in the Ghost and Mr. Chicken and like Don Knots I trudged on, all the while shaking in my black nonslip shoes. 

And the music was getting louder and louder and...Wait a minute, the music should NOT be getting louder, I was, after all, Leaving the event.  And I come around the bend and BAH, I'm at the North parking lot, the Entrance for the partygoers... grrrrr...*$&%9)$#)%_@#$!!  So I stop and asked the staff which direction was the South lot and she kindly offered to walk me to the...Why does she sound so soft?  I reach up to adjust my...(gasp!!!) my Hearing aid is not at my ear... I have LOST my hearing aid...  "I'm sorry, I have to backtrack, I've lost my hearing aid.  Thank you for your help."  With flashlight in hand I meticulously swept the ground looking for my Hearing aid.  I had backtracked about a 1/4 mile and was becoming disheartened and all I could think was, "Darcy is going to Kill me..."  and just as I was going to give up, the little voice in my head said, "just a little bit more" and so a little bit more I went and glinting up at me was the most beautiful red hearing aid I had Ever seen.  I have never before felt such relief, well aside from when one has to go pee really, really bad...That too is the most awesome feeling of relief...sorry, you're right. TMI!

Yes, I think I spent an hour just trying to get to the car to go home.  I've never been so happy to see that little blue convertible.

Don't get me wrong, I had a GREAT time that night.  I was just giving you the exciting tidbits of mayhem that's fun to tell.  After all was said and done I must say it was a successful, exciting evening and I'd do it again.  Hopefully with different people standing beside me.

I'll write about food tomorrow, I promise.  Pie crust I think.  It's hard to make a good pie crust.  Well, at least it was until I learned how to today.  =}

Well, Thats my blip for my BFFs today.

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