
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Boop poop de oops...

Homework for Sanitations was a bear and i was up late last night doing Homework and it was a lot of information to try and absorb.

So we're all sitting there today going OMG there is NO way we can remember all that How in the HELL are we going to get the quiz done... we're all fretting while he's doing his overview of the homework and blah blah blah... then he says "are you ready for the quiz?" and we all silently sit there looking at him. Then he says "It will be a Take home quiz." EVERYONE just Broke into an applause saying "THANK YOU CHEF" lol That was the 2nd half of school.

The first half is Cuisine Foundation (CF) so...There is a guy in class, his name is Robert. Clearly Robert has Mental issues and has difficulty learning. The cuts, he never completes the cuts assignment of the day. On the first day the teacher had trouble teaching him how to tie his cravat. Issue there was with his lack of comprehension of left and right. Someone else had to tie his tie for him. He also asks questions that have nothing to do with what is being discussed and each day we would sit and wonder "What is Robert going to do, or Not do, or say today.?"

So our sanitation class of course is about food borne pathogens and most of the pathogens have to do with feces and ppl NOT washing their Hands and so feces is transfered onto the food... Gross gross gross. And in all the prevention it states, Keep employees that have Diarrhea out of operation... What does this have to do with Robert, you ask?

Today i cut my finger, just a flesh wound, so i head to the first aid box for a bandaid and i pass Robert and i'm like, WTF did someone step in shit? I pass by him again, same strong smell. Pew.
I get my cuts inspected then go to put my stuff away and i'm saying to my compadres wtf is that smell? And Emily say, Robert pooped his pants. OMFG I couldn't believe it. She said she was sweeping up, and bends over to pick something up and smelled "something", looks up and there is poop stains all over his pants. Needless to say the Chef calls him out to "talk" to him, he comes back in, gets his bags and leaves before Sanitation class.

So my question is... Are they so hard up for $$ that they would allow someone in who is so clearly unable to take on a school like this? I wonder if he's going to show up for class tomorrow? Or
better yet, are they going to allow him to continue after what happened today? If it was me, I would give him his $$ back and say i'm sorry Robert. It's so sad.

So that is my blip for my BFFs for today. I've got a take home quiz to do. Love and peace to all. Q  (2/17/11)

1 comment:

Miss Sue said...

okay. seriously?! Seriously!? SERIOUSLY!