
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Run Forrest RUUUUN!!!

Wow, it's been 2 weeks since my last confession and I've been pretty much been dead on my feet since the 3rd term started.  Exciting and Daunting at the same time but I'm learning a lot from Chef Frerichs. 

Every day since the beginning of school we have a line up for uniform inspections and they almost Always check to see that we are wearing Black socks... WEEEeeell, Since term 3 started Chef had not checked our socks but...Yes he did, and he SOOOO Busted someone, No names to protect the guilty, with White socks on and now that someone with no name has to make Hollandaise sauce...100 times.  And as a result of these findings Chef told us a story of how he, while in school, had no black socks for the day so he took a black marker to a pair of white socks... Desperate measures for desperate times lol.  Happy Hollandaise...<cough>

I've burned vegetables, yes, to a nice charred crisp, undercooked and overcooked meats, had dirty rims, OMG it's just been one thing after another and after the first week I came out with a B+ for my grade and I must say that I'm happy to have it compared to some of the other plates I've seen hit the Pass for grading...

I've cut myself 3 times in one day and not be able to finish prepping my stuff on Mise day due to spending more time cutting myself instead of the veggies and because of this I was scrambling around the next day trying to catch up on mising and then cooking my ass off in order to get my plate to the pass on time.  I haven't missed a pass time yet, knock on freaking hard wood.  On my undercooked chicken day my plate looked great except for the chicken and the Chef says, "Why didn't you just put it back in the oven instead of bringing me undercooked meat?"  and I said, "Because I'd rather get docked on points for undercooked meat than not get a grade at all for missing the pass time..."  Honestly, In real life I would have made the customer wait just 5 more minutes...

But, things did get a little better for me on the second week.  Daunting still, but better.  As for recipes we've pretty much been doing the same stuff we learned in CF2 except for just a different twist to technique from Chef Frerichs, good times.  We made the cutest Potatoes gratin in these tiny little aluminum cups... And so so easy to make.  I'll share this on my next blog.

And the Chef's favorite mantra is "It only gets Harder"...And so, I'm preparing myself for more bumps, burns, cuts and bruises.  Round 3... DING, Bring It On!  (as I hear the music from Rocky vaguely playing in the back of my mind.)

It's Memorial Day weekend and we get Monday off... YAY!!! I'm so happy for the time off...

That's my blip for my BFFs today.  (I promise to try and get more recipes up and write more...)

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