
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Curve Ball...

So we made 2 stews, pasta from scratch and rice... The rice was the easiest thing for me and well the stews really weren't too bad.  The Ass Kicker was the curve ball.  What's a curve ball?  Well for those of you who watch the food channel you know what it is... It's that mystery basket item that you have to make on Top of what you already have on the menu...

So, Chef says, "you have a choice, #1 or #2"  Then he puts us to a vote and majority voted for #1.  "Okay, get to work, I'll announce it later."  (moans all around)  So off we go, baddabing baddaboom, I'm sweating away over the stove and Chef gets on the intercom,  "Ok, for your curve ball I want you to make me an Appetizer salad with vinaigrette, and I don't want just a simple vinaigrette.  You have 10 minutes"  MmmmHmmm, it was RUN FORREST RUUUUN!!! Bottle neck at the refrigerator, someone grabs the WHOLE BAG of greens and off she went, people scratching and pulling and BAM the Stock container falls and splashes, I pick it up and go off to get a mop...Yep I come back and they are just stepping ALL over the spilled goods. "Excuse me, can I get in here with the mop?"  sheesh...I decide I'm going to start on my vinaigrette and not get run over by stampeeding cooks. 

Eh, I get my salad made and back to the stews...I'm sweatin', I'm cookin, I'm pressed for time.  I'm just about to plate up my stew for my assigned 1200 Pass time and..."So nice of you to pick #1 but guess what, You have to do #2 as well, I want a 2 egg omelette in 15 minutes and I want NO COLOR."  @@ stay calm, stay calm... I finish plating up my stuff because he then says "Team 5 it's time to bring up your plates to the pass... Sol, are you ready?"  "Yes Chef, Coming Chef..."  And up I go with my plate. (wipes brows)

I go and get my 2 eggs, go next door to get an egg pan.  Pan is on the stove, heat, Oil, heat, Crack, Beat, Season, Eggs into the pan, stirstirstirstirstirstir...Add oil, scrape, scrap, tap tap tap, Fold egg over, grab plate, roll the egg onto the plate, Big Baddaboom, I'm done.  Up to the pass I go.

OMG Still one more Dish, it's AFTER 1200 and I Still need to get my Pasta made and it's due up to the pass On or Before 1230...All Together Now...RUN FORREST RUUUUUN!!!  Flour on the table, make my volcano, salt, egg yolks, oil, and water. stirstirstirstirstir, kneadkneadkneadknead, flour table, rollrollrollrollroll, pastry wheel zips through the dough and Off to the Hot Pot of water goes my Parpadelle pasta and...OMG earlier, Kristina didn't have Boiling Water on the stove and asks to use mine and now IT'S 1225..."KRISTINA, DO SOMETHING WITH THIS PASTA!!!"  Yes, I'm sweating bibi pellets.  Thank God pasta cooks extremely fast when it's fresh..."Everybody Needs to get their Rabbit Stew to the Pass in 2 minutes."  "Yes Chef."   All Together Now, Baddabing Baddaboom, Up to the pass my Rabbit on Pasta goes. 

I've never been so happy to be done cooking in my life.  The pressure, the pressure and it was so Fun LOL...All in all my dishes were pretty good and Chef told me that it was time I started playing around with spices a little more.  And I was like, ? you couldn't tasted the cumen?  And he said, "no no no, this is a good thing, I mean that you're ready to take it to the next level."  "Ah, Okay Chef, Thank you Chef..."

And so, to conclude my Blog for today I'm very Happy to announce that after applying and being interviewed, I and 2 other classmates have been accepted into the schools Ambassador Club to represent the School at various functions and volunteer projects as well as help out new students.  (takes a bow)  Thank you very much.

And that is my Blog for my BFFs today.

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